Woman Scream-Gifts
Woman Scream (Grito de Mujer®) brand and concept was created by the Dominican writer and designer Jael Uribe. as way to support her innovative projects that engage talented women worldwide, and spread message of non-violence against them. Support our cause and help us be known spreading our message. With your support, we create more opportunities for women, and awesome projects to involved them all.Approach
The Grito de Mujer® brand
directly covers different women issues, from self-esteem and nonviolence
against, to creation of national and international strategic projects for women.
The figurative sign will be representing the new campaigns, and projects
that are created under the brand, and will host the implementation of new ideas
that benefit women of any age, in addition to gaining support for the projects under
its association:
* Creating awareness campaigns focused on building self-esteem in women countries associated. These campaigns can be implemented on social networking sites, press, audio-visual media, among others.
* Capturing followers and public in general to support campaigns for both, social networking, and supporting our public events.
* Creating campaigns and self-sustainable projects that may also involve and benefit the participation of women, as well as the MPI and WS project representatives in the development of the brand.
* Directly support the development and sponsorship of projects created for women and that subside their operating costs, supporting for projects such as:
a) Women
Poets International Movement
b) Woman
Scream International Poetry and Arts Festival
c) Contest
and campaigns.
d) Publications
such as books, magazines, etc.
e) Fundraising
f) Promotion
gifts creation
g) Among
other associated projects
Your contribution helps us continue the mission that we have set and boosts the projects we already created and new ideas that promote opportunities for women internationally. The brand covers campaigns, different projects and ideas for women, crowdfunding, and gifts.
You can keep the best part of us as beautiful gift of friendship and, you'll help us grow.
To contribute with our cause click HERE
If you just want make a direct contribution, use the button below.
To learn more ways to contribute with Woman Scream HERE
Grito de Mujer-Woman Scream-Cri de Femme-Grito de Mulher-Grido di Donna-Schrei der Frau-Logo © 2010 by Jael Uribe is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Cri de Femme-Boutique
Le concept de l’image, le Slogan et l’application figurative de la marque Cri de Femme® ont été crées par par l'écrivaine et conceptrice dominicaine Jael Uribe comme
un moyen pour soutenir des projets innovateurs qui engagent des femmes
de talent dans le monde entier, et diffuser le message de non-violence aux femmes.
Soutenez notre cause et aidez-nous à être connus en diffusons
nos messages. Avec votre soutien, nous créons plus de possibilités pour
les femmes et des projets impressionnants et des idées pour continuer à
grandir et, les aider à croître.
Si vous voulez faire la contribution directement, vous pouvez faire un dépôt à notre compte a Paypal
Pour contribuer à la cause d'autres maniérés cliquez ICI
Ou donnez ici:
Grito de Mujer-Woman Scream-Cri de Femme-Grito de Mulher-Grido di Donna-Schrei der Frau-Logo © 2010 by Jael Uribe is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
0 Comentarios
Muchas gracias por tu grito. Recibimos tu mensaje, no hay necesidad de reenviarlo. Todos los comentarios son moderados. De abril a octubre cada año estamos fuera de temporada. En temporada activa, nuestro correo está tope. Demoraremos en responder. Agradecemos tu paciencia. Por favor apóyanos corriendo la voz o sumándote a nuestra causa voluntariamente. Tu también eres parte importante de este GRITO.